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Blogger Hacks

Blogger Ad Code/Javascript code converter

Have you ever tried to implement Adsense/Adbrite/Chitika or any Javascript codes in your Blogger templates? And sure it won’t work. Usually you will come across some Blogger error messages if you tried to do so. So, there is a handy tool which enables you to convert Javascript codes and embed the those codes anywhere in

Cool image opacity/transparency effect on mouseover

In this post, I will show how to create an opacity/transparency effect for an image on mouseover. Rather than using an image without any effects, this would be a better option to show your images in your site especially if you use images as hyperlinks. This is how the normal HTML code for image below

How to add Social Bookmarking buttons/icons below every blogger post?

By adding a list of social bookmarking icons to your blog posts, you can encourage your readers to promote your blog posts to the Social bookmarking sites such as Technorati, Stumble Upon. Delicious, Digg, and more. Adding your posts  to these sites definitely will bring more traffic to your site. To add the list of social

How to remove or hide Blogger navbar?

If you are using Default Blogger Templates, then you may be seen Blogger Navigation Bar on the top of your page. But, nowadays new blogger templates usually come without the navigation bar. So, this tutorial is just for those who are using default blogger templates. Actually, many bloggers( including me) worried whether it is legal