How to create rounded corners with CSS3?

This tutorial is on creating rounded corners effect with the aid of CSS3. This effect is achieved using “border-radius” property and really saves our time which was wasted in creating round-edged border images in Photoshop and then being used in web designs. As I said in my previous post, this effect is only visible in

CSS3 tutorials starting this week

I have no words to describe how am I amazed with CSS3. CSS3 definitely has revolutionized the designing world. With CSS3, we can create brilliant web effects without using images, Javascripts and also Flash for them. For example: rounded corners, box shadows, text shadow, Web fonts, gradients, RGBA, rotate, skew, animations, multi-column layout and a

30 stunning Blogger blog designs for your inspiration

Nowadays, we can spectate the birth of lot of Blogger blogs with great designs which are truly amazing and incomparable. It’s because, customizing blogger blogs is now easier than ever with user-friendly template codes and availability of uncountable designing tutorials in the web. Although there are thousands of astonishing blogger templates, yet some bloggers tend

Wall Press | Blogger Template

Wall Press is a minimal, 2-column, clean blogger template with three column footer. It is cross-browser compatible. However, the CSS3 shadow effects are not visible in Internet Explorer. Instructions on editing the template can be found after the cut.

Revive | Free premium blogger template

Today, I am releasing Revive, a free premium blogger template. The template is available in five different hot colours: pink, red, green, blue and orange. This is the first time I’m releasing multi-colour versions of the same template. I’ve managed to compress all five different colour versions into a RAR file. So that you don’t

HTML5 and CSS3 cheat sheets collection

HTML5 and CSS3 have started conquering the web. They both combine to produce great functions and effects and really make our eyes wide opened. For example, have a look at this Windows 7 start menu designed using only CSS3! Nowadays, there are a lot of tutorials and resources on HTML 5  and CSS3 including the

15 most popular Blogger widgets that you shouldn’t miss

Widgets are becoming a popular and pervasive part of the blogosphere. It can be said that “no widgets, no blogging“. I’ve managed to search for the best and popular widgets that are being used by majority of bloggers. Finally, I came up with a compilation of 15 most popular blogger widgets.

20+ excellent Blogger blog designs for your inspiration

All of us know that a blog’s design plays a great role in improving its traffic and pagerank. If the content of a blog is the king, then the blog design is the queen. Here is a collection of 20 well designed Blogger powered blogs for your inspiration. I’ve missed something? Definitely! Let me know

Cool CSS3 button maker

CSS3 button maker is a simple and great online tool created by Chris Coyier from CSS Tricks. This tool allows you to generate a image-less button fully making use of CSS3. I am sure that some of you may don’t know what  CSS3 is really about. CSS3 is a collection of modules that extend the